Greening The City: Friends of Echo Park Library Launches the Urban WiLiHaLA (Wildlife Habitat Los Angeles) Pollinator Native Garden

Why is this project important

Pollinators are essential for food production and the reproduction of plants in the urban garden. They increase soil healthiness by supporting the plants that improve soil quality, water movement, oxygen production, plant biodiversity and are an essential part of the web of nature as the food source of 80 percent of birds, as well as reptiles and many mammals.

Urban pollinator gardens provide educational opportunities to learn about the balance of nature, especially in communities where exposure to natural areas is limited. 

Urban pollinator gardens help restore habitats destroyed by urban development. 

These garden spaces, in addition to bringing nature to an urban environment, could serve as a springboard for any number of library programs based on a variety of topics, not just in the areas of science and citizen science but also featuring cultural subjects such as folklore, music, and art, among other things, and this could apply to all ages.

Before the start of the project

There are plenty of spaces in the city of Los Angeles that could be transformed into an urban WiLiHaLA including the 70 branches of the Los Angeles Public Library.

Greening the City Sustainability Challenge

The Friends of Echo Park Library is inviting other Friends of the Library groups to join the Greening the City Sustainability Challenge. Details are still being finalized but the Friends of Echo Park Library is hoping to culminate this year’s sustainable program initiatives with a celebration during next year’s Earth Day events by sharing stories of how we can create a greener Los Angeles. You can learn more about the program at If you feel like being part of the solution then join the Greening the City Sustainability Challenge. Contact us to learn more or Subscribe to be updated.

Urban WiLiHaLA

Listen to interviews with the Friends of Echo Park Library Board Members about the Urban Wildlife Habitat Los Angeles Pollinator Native Garden project. Click on the links below to hear what they have to say about the pollinator garden.

The Plan

With support from the Garden Revitalization Program of the Central Library of LAPL, the Friends of Echo Park Library was able to expand the Pollinator Garden to other areas of the Echo Park Library. You can learn more about the expanded Pollinator Garden on the website of the Friends of Echo Park Library including what kinds of plants were used and why it was chosen for a particular area.